photo of the view from the Waihe'e Ridge Trail

photo: Johnathan Taylor Tomas

Yesterday morning, we took a hike up the Waihe’e Ridge Trail. The weather was perfect and it was a great (if moderately strenuous) hike. My knee started feeling weird, though, so I stopped about ⅔ of the way to the summit and rested in a tree. The hike down was a lot harder, and my knee started feeling more and more as if it was just going to collapse under me.

It didn’t, and I made it down but lagged behind HA and our friends. When we got back to camp, we decided to take a kayak out for some late afternoon whale watching. As I was climbing into the kayak, my knee finally decided to quit. It folded under me and I landed on top of it in the boat, which promptly rolled and dumped me into the shore break. I used some extended vocabulary and managed to get back in the boat, waving off the folks who came by to help. HA and I had a great little adventure. We saw a lot of distant breaching, fluke slapping, and frolic. We were also approached by a monk seal.

When we got back, I was unable to drag the boat back to the tentalow. As the evening wore on, the knee just got more swollen and painful. I iced it and rested it, but by morning it was painful and pretty unstable. I opted out of kayaking this morning, and did more icing then wrapped it in horse tape.

photo of my knee wrapped in pink horse tape

We’ll probably go into town today to get a knee brace (or at least more horse tape). With luck, I’ll be back in the kayak tomorrow.


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