It’s ten days since my thyroid was removed. I can remove my Steri-Strip now! (But I’ll probably wait a bit; it’s still pretty well adherent.) Overall, it has been a much easier recovery than I had imagined, but…

I continue to have an intermittent sore throat accompanied by fatigue and malaise. This can come on suddenly, any time of day or night. Yesterday, I slept over two hours in the afternoon after only having a mild-to-moderate sore throat in the morning. I’m also constipated and intermittently moody and nauseated, and I continue to have cold feet (my baseline) punctuated by episodes of epically cold feet where blowing 109° air or immersing them in 103° water doesn’t make them feel any warmer. I’m willing to write all this off as a consequence of wildly fluctuating thyroid hormone levels.

Thanks be to HA, who is keeping things on track by making sure the offspring are all getting packed to move and the house is getting packed up and excess dross is getting donated and repairs and cleaning are getting done and everybody is getting fed and.. and.. and…

I’ve mostly been migrating servers and getting the data center ready for rapid disassembly on moving day, keeping bills paid, coordinating with our on-island helpers to get the fencing ready for Big Luna™ and the garage built in time for the eventual arrival of our container-full of treasures. I’m also getting Joulee the Free Salvaged Tesla ready for her overseas voyage.

I’m also figuring out what to pack in my checked baggage. I have to be ready to care for Luna on the island while I await the arrival of HA. The bulk of our possessions will be on an ocean voyage for up to six weeks, so I have to have the stuff I’ll need while awaiting the arrival of the ship.

♫ They say that when your ship comes in, first man takes the sails ♬ ♬ Second takes the afterdeck, the third the planks and rails ♬


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