Shortly after our solstice visit to Kilauea, the volcano suddenly erupted.

I’m also fine-tuning my software for managing my solar generation. Of course, solstice gives us the fewest hours of direct sunshine, so we should be happy that we had a sufficiency of power for the day. On the other hand, the weather has been unseasonably clear so I suspect it won’t always be this easy. I’ll share the charging algorithms and software configuration details here once things are working smoothly.

I also had three notably bad fatigue days in a row, which have really hampered my ability to get things done. I’m counting on this being a passing issue, but it’s pretty disconcerting, especially the cognitive changes. Today, I’m happy to report, was almost fatigue-free.

We also learned today that we might be able to become very modest vanilla-bean growers. We’re going to start a plant or three and see how they do (it takes about three years to know if they’re going to thrive in our particular microclimate).

photograph of vanilla beans under cultivation in a shade house (Public Domain,


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