Have you noticed the tags associated with each column? They show up at the top, in this case “#meta”, and if you click on a tag then you can see an index of the columns associated with that tag. There’s also an index of all tags. Tags are cool, in that they let you focus only on columns that are likely to be of interest to you. I know, for example, that some people just follow me for my #sysadmin content and others are only interested in my #island move. It might also be fun if you could exclude a tag: I’ll bet most people find my #meta columns (like this one!) pretty uninteresting. There isn’t currently an exclude or more general purpose boolean filter; perhaps I will remedy that some day.

Tags might be a good way to classify columns, but they have a drawback. I have a tendency to try to fit the content within the framework of the existing tags. It’s not like it’s any trouble to add a tag: I just specify a new one with a column (or even just misspell an existing one!) and, voila, new tag! The problem is, once I’ve added a new tag, the compulsive part of me feels compelled to add the new tag to all relevant columns… which means reviewing all 112 of them to date. The more I write, the more the pain associated with adding a new tag increases.


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