photograph of sliced, dehydrated peaches in a plastic zipper bag

HA arrived at our island place yesterday. It’s just so amazingly cool to be together in this place that we love.

What could be better than being here on this beautiful island with HA and Luna the Big Dog™? Well, one thing that bummed me out about leaving when I did was that the peaches from our peach tree were just starting to get ripe. They were tasty, but not yet as fabulous as I knew they were going to be, and I was going to miss it by days.

You cannot bring fresh produce onto the islands, as there’s too big a risk of accidentally importing an agricultural pest. So HA dehydrated several pounds of peaches so that I could eat some. This, while also packing up all our accumulated stuff (as always, far more than we realized we had), getting her children situated in their new home, getting a boatload of repairs done on the old house, and getting it ready for market. But with all she had to do, she made time to bring me a meaningful treat.


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