Amidst all the chaos of living in paradise with recently disrupted lives, we decided to try to do something normal and stream a video this evening. We’re almost totally lacking furniture beyond some resin chairs that are well past their sell-by date and break if you try to stretch in them, so we got some inexpensive patio recliners. The previous owner of the house left us a small 2012-vintage television which we connected to the HDMI output of my laptop. Et voilá: a home theatre.

a photo of a "home theatre" consisting of two folding lounge chairs and an old television on a barstool

We heard from the moving company that our household goods might be here as early as this weekend, which is great except that we’ve been having lots of rain and the garage (where most of the boxes will have to go while we work on the house) is still lacking some siding, and gets very wet inside. Our builder extraordinaire assures us, however, that he’s on it.

a photo of a garage under construction, with no siding between the top of the walls and the roof


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