I don’t remember how I first heard of Sonya Mann, but she was publishing a newsletter called Exolymph (now retired) that caught my eye. I became a patron. Over the years she has published a delightful collection of zines and newsletters that defy my limited power of description. I’ll just say they’re simple and eclectic. I’ve noticed that, of all the content I get, hers is most likely to prompt me to write back. So make that simple, eclectic, and thought-provoking. I’ve followed along on her journey as she discovers a place to be in the world. Her web site is called Sonya Supposedly and it’s worth a look if you enjoy thoughtful, boundary-bending creation.

I was reading Sonya’s latest newsletter when I read “A longtime e-friend started an old-school weblog called twoprops.net and it is a delight.” She went on with more kind words. What a surprise! I don’t look at my logs or use any trackers or analytics. I keep whispering into the void and honestly don’t know whether or not anyone actually hears. So it warmed my heart to get such a shout-out from someone whose work I admire.


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