I’m at a beach near Monterey, California with my two sons. As they are now both adults, and I will soon be moving to the island while they are staying behind, we likely won’t be able to do this thing we have traditionally done for the last fifteen years or so. Oh, and there’s that pesky cancer thing, too. I had to start this trip by telling them about my diagnosis. I have to take a break from vacationing to get a blood test tomorrow, and first thing when I get back I have to meet with the surgeon. Things are moving fast: the diagnosis was three days ago, and it appears I might be in surgery next week! The guys seem to be handling the uncertainty well, but then how could I really tell?

So we’re living it up in a hotel, as the timing didn’t work for us to get our usual beach house. We’re recovering from the travel this evening, but it was still glorious to take a long walk on the beach and watch the sunset.

sunset at a beach near Monterey


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