It’s been one hell of a year. On 06Mar2024 I decided to re-launch, which had been a hosting site for my (now adult) children’s Minecraft servers. My intent was to write something more-or-less every day. I didn’t know what I would write about. I did not know if I had that much to say (though I suspected I probably did). I had no idea if anyone would listen, but that was part of the proposition. I was going to write without regard for engagement, metrics, audience, income… I would truly be whispering into the void.
In order to conduct this exercise, I set up a web server that would serve no ads, almost no Javascript, nothing that pops-up, slides in, is fixed in place when you try to scroll. I collected no metrics on visitors. I used black text on a white background (or vice-versa for those who want to read in dark mode). In short, I made it all about the writing with as little as possible to get in the way of reading. I supported RSS and eventually syndicated to mastodon and posted instructions on getting via email. I did not use Facebook, Twitter/X, Instagram, YouTube, WhatsApp, TikTok, Telegram, LinkedIn, Reddit, Threads, Discord, Tumblr, or the ever-popular Google Plus.
To this day, I have no idea whether anyone reads this or not, though I have seen HA catching up on columns occasionally, and I sporadically receive an email or hear a comment from someone who has read a column or two.
So what has happened during this year of writing dangerously?
I have published about 339 columns in 365 days. That’s about 0.93 columns per day, which is pretty damned close to my informal target of “about one” column per day.
I watched a peach tree grow up and produce too many peaches.
I lamented the necessity for nuance.
I said good-bye to trash pickup.
I cultivated a digital garden.
We found a giant crate to fly Luna the Big Dog™ to our new island home where she became a Hawai’ian Maukamute.
I noticed a tremendous amount of fraud in medical billing.
I waited on hold too many times after being unable to navigate company’s shitty web site — only to be repeatedly told that I shouldn’t be calling but using the aforementioned shitty web site.
We dealt with multiple problems with refrigerators.
My older son graduated from university and my younger son graduated from high school and successfully applied to university after touring multiple campuses.
I baked a lot of sourdough bread.
We discovered the joy of induction cooking.
I finally discovered a treatment for itchy insect bites.
I started calling my posts “columns”.
My youngest son launched a weather balloon and got some fabulous video.
I spent a lot of time in my hot tub and hope to be doing so again soon.
I rationalized using archive services.
I had many problems with so-called uninterruptible power supplies.
I tried to figure out a way to save my very old garage.
I learned the term for how I used to run my business.
I enjoyed my last summer on the mainland.
Tools became precious again.
I became the famous Infrastructure Man.
We learned of the death of the previous owner of our island home.
I set off fireworks with my younger son.
I got diagnosed with thyroid cancer and had surgery which might just have been curative.
I took what will probably be our last summer beach vacation with my two sons.
I managed to make my email server location independent so I could move it to the island with minimal disruption but no loss of privacy.
We experienced the nostalgia of packing.
I learned to live without a thyroid.
I moved to my island forever home.
Luna came to join me.
HA was left to handle the bulk of our move.
We finished building our new garage in time for our ship to come in.
I suffered for the weeks that HA wasn’t here.
I discovered the stars visible from the best seeing spot on the planet.
We found that we didn’t have to have electricity to have a bidet seat.
Joulee the Free Salvage Tesla got lost at sea but eventually came home with only minimal Matson-inflicted damage. She also got a new bumper sticker.
We celebrated a dear friend’s 80th birthday.
We enjoyed a year of outdoor showers.
We got our ice maker working!
I managed to destroy and then recover it.
We installed a massive solar plant and a local fiber link to our studio.
I started to adjust to a postscarcity lifestyle.
We saw many a rainbow.
We spent hours and hours trying to change our address.
We sold bitcoin.
I started automating our energy management.
I suffered from profound fatigue that’s still being worked up.
We spent Christmas camping at the beach.
We learned our washing machine was broken in the move but I managed to fix it and run it with hoses and extension cords.
We had a special New Year’s Eve.
We had our first overnight guest.
We installed new lighting in the shower and then for more of the landscaping.
Neighbors brought us pictures of our home from 1958 when it was only 44 years old.
We kept working on the studio. It’s now plumbed and drywalled!
I made some island sourdough starter.
We had a wonderful vacation chasing whales in a kayak on Maui.
I realized we’re living in a compound.
We got new rocks for our driveway.
We got the whole house re-wired and the garage electrified.
What will this next year bring?