Back when I used to read Reddit a lot, there was a theme of someone, usually on r/AskReddit, asking “what’s a surprising purchase that made your life better.” A frequent answer was a bidet toilet seat. I’d never really given it much thought, but when Woot had such a seat on sale I decided to give it a try. I liked it.

Without getting too scatological, imagine trying to do your dinner dishes by wiping them off with a dry paper towel. They wouldn’t get very clean.

My sons and I enjoyed the seat. Then came Covid-19 and the Great Toilet Paper Shortage of 2020. We were a household of three males who used a bidet seat: our toilet paper needs were minimal and the shortage didn’t bother us at all.

Life got even better when my bidet seat broke and I bought a new one, and decided to go high-end and spend over $300. It was fabulous.

A little less than three weeks ago, I moved to the island. HA followed this week. Our beloved bidet seat is on the boat. Even if it were here, it requires more electric power than we currently have available, and there isn’t even a single plug in the bathroom. What to do? I missed that bidet much more than I thought I would.

I was visiting a friend, and she has a simple bidet seat attachment that doesn’t have hot water wash and a hot air dryer, but still provides a water wash. I knew about those attachments, even knew that Barbara had one, but somehow (brainwashed by marketing hype?) it never occurred to me that they might work well, and certainly better than no bidet at all. I found one that advertised a “Premium Butt Shower Experience” for under $30.

photograph of a box containing a bidet attachment and promising a "Premium Butt Shower Experience

I ordered it. They claim it’s a ten-minute install. That’s a bit optimistic, but not much. Installation was quick and easy, and it gives 89% of the experience of my multi-hundred-dollar seat — with no wiring required.


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