A lot is going on at the island place in anticipation of our arrival, including maintenance and construction projects. I like for the contractors and the caretaker to send me pictures — it helps me not feel so far away. Alas, with the relentless improvements in smartphone cameras, pictures have gotten huge. I have a rather generous maximum file size on my email server, but a dozen full-size photos can still overwhelm it. It also seems that some systems (Exchange?) really limit outgoing message sizes. Yuck.

When I want to send pictures to somebody, it’s no problem. I can just put them on one of my web servers and send a link. And, yes, systems exist for sending pictures via an external server with links in email, but they all have privacy issues and other limitations. I wanted for people to be able to quickly and painlessly send arbitrary (and arbitrarily large) files directly to me. I decided it would only take “a few minutes” to put up a simple web page that would allow uploading files.

web page for uploading files

It was, in fact, quick and easy to get a page up with a file browser and a submit button. Unfortunately, there was nuance to deal with. I realized that it would have to have a password to protect it, or who knows what scary things internet randos might upload. I hard-coded in a passphrase, but that’s just too horrible as a security practice so I added a bcrypt hash. It looked like something out of the 90’s, which was fine with me, but I realized most people would be using it from a phone where it rendered much too small to be useful. I’m a style minimalist, but when it’s too minimal to see… So I added a few lines CSS from the best motherfucking web site to make it stylish and responsive. Much better. Oh, but you could only upload one file at a time, and people will often have a dozen or more pictures to send. So I added multiple file support. Whew!

Oh, then I realized I would have no way to know when someone had uploaded, so I added an email notification so I’d know when something was sent. And a previewer so folks could verify what they’d uploaded.

So now it’s done. Still only about a page of code. Responsive, multi-file support, reasonably secure. The code still needs a little clean-up, but it works pretty darn well.

Nuance addressed.


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