photo of the beach

I took a casual trip to the beach today. I spent a lot of time near the beach when I was growing up. Back then, I’d guess the beach was about a mile walk (though I wasn’t very good at estimating distances as a kid). I remember the first time my grandparents felt that I was old enough to be able to walk to the beach on my own.

photo of the beach

Before, it had been something momentous: the family would plan for a trip to the beach and we’d go for the day. Suddenly, it was something that I could just do, on a whim, if I wanted. Once there, I didn’t feel as though I had to get the most out of it that I could: I could ride a few waves, take in the sun, watch some people, and then head home knowing that I could come back whenever I wanted.

photo of the beach

The beach I went to today is actually a one-hour drive from the island place, but I was already more than halfway there visiting the hardware store.

photo of the beach

Knowing that I’ll soon be living here full-time, it felt just as relaxed and casual as those summer days at the beach when I was a kid.

photo of the beach


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