One of my favorite bread recipies came from my dear friend Barbara, known as Queen B. She has been of inestimable help in our move to the Big Island (where she lives) and served an iteration of Queen B Bread while I was visiting. She gave me the recipe. It harks back to this YouTube video, with some modifications. When I recently got my free sourdough starter, I decided to see if I could make a sourdough version. It came out great!

photo of Queen B Bread, sourdough

Sourdough Queen B Bread


  • 3 cups (384 grams) flour (I use half all-purpose flour and half whole wheat)
  • 1½ cups (approximate) sourdough starter (if you’re new to sourdough, see hints for maintaining your starter)
  • ¼-½ cup warm water
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • everything bagel topping


  1. Put flour, starter, salt, ¼ cup water, and sugar in a bowl and mix well.
  2. Add water as necessary to form a soft ball of dough.
  3. Cover with a plate for 3 hours or more.
  4. Turn out onto floured board, dust with flour, turn in edges and invert.
  5. Sprinkle top with the bagel topping
  6. Line bowl with parchment paper and place dough back in bowl. Cover with dish towel.
  7. Let dough rise for 15 minutes.
  8. Turn on oven to 450° and place a covered dutch oven in it.
  9. When oven has preheated (+/- 20 minutes; use a thermometer if your oven doesn’t have one) place dough with parchment into the (now hot) dutch oven and replace lid.
  10. Bake for 30 minutes.
  11. Remove from oven, remove lid and parchment leaving just the loaf in the dutch oven.
  12. Bake uncovered for 10-15 more minutes (I use a convection oven and find that 10 minutes is more than enough)


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