After months of having to be very careful with our electricity use, it appears we may have ample electricity. Of course, you can never really know until you experience different weather conditions, but our panels didn’t even come on line today until nearly noon, it was only a partly sunny day, and we added about 55% of our battery capacity in charge. That should be enough power to get us through four or five days with zero sunshine, so I’m guessing (with some reserve) that we’re sitting pretty.
So the trenching and panel mounting and fiber pulling and the many months of planning appear as though they’re going to pay off.
There’s still a lot to do: power goes to the house, but none of the interior wiring is done yet. Well, we actually have one working outlet in the house, and I’m going to use it to charge the old lead-acid batteries so we can use the old lead-acid batteries and inverter to get by while the re-wiring happens.
Oh, and the fabulous electricians who did the install put in a special plug so Joulee the Free Salvage Tesla can get charged. Yay!