photo of 64 concrete stepping stones and a pallet

Yesteday we went to the despotic home improvement store in the Big Town. We bought a pallet of 128 concrete stepping stones. The photo is of half the stones — the other 64 are down by the studio. We’re starting to get more rain, and because we’re doing so much work around the place we’re wearing paths in the grass that are now become muddy. There’s also now a direct path from the house to the studio where we trenched for the electric feeder cable (well, there will be a path once I get a saw big enough to cut a slot though a large downed tree) but it’s muddy so will benefit from stepping stones.

I watched in horror as the forklift driver lowered the pallet into the bed of Timmy the Titan, seen here without a ton of bricks in the back:

photo of Timmy the Titan without a pallet of stepping stones

The bed of the truck sank lower and lower as the forklift set down its load. I was fearful that the wheel wells were going to land on the wheels. They didn’t, though, and the truck was driveable though with notably poorer cornering, a longer stopping distance, and a lot of bounce going over bumps.

This morning, HA and her son and I unloaded the stones. That was work enough, but of course they still need to be set in place. There’s a lot more stone carrying to be done!


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